Anne of Green Gables

Set in Canada in the 1800s, we first meet Anne as the victim of a mix-up; an elderly brother and sister have asked the orphanage for a boy who can help on their farm, but kind-hearted Matthew nevertheless takes her back to Green Gables after finding her waiting for him at the train station. Marilla is less accommodating and at first wishes for the mix-up to be remedied and for Anne to be returned. However, after a slightly rocky beginning, we begin to see Marilla’s hard exterior begin to be chipped away.

This excellently written piece of literature is a perfect piece of escapism, and I would recommend the seven further sequels just as highly (well, almost as. As with most of these things, the first always seems to set the bar too high for any sequels to match up). In addition, the 1985 adaptation starring Megan Follows as Anne is a perfect complement to the book. If you have read ‘Anne of Green Gables’ you will see that the film brings the books to life in almost exactly the way they are described in the novel and nothing of Anne’s endearing character is lost. The portrayal of Matthew Cuthbert is highly commendable too; Richard Farnsworth not only completely looks the part, but plays the quiet but kind old man so well that even the hardest of hearts are bound to be softened. The sequels to the first adaptation follow the books less closely, and by the last film, it is a completely different story set in a completely different time that is being watched, but they are nevertheless enjoyable. The first instalment, however, is definitely a must-watch. But read the book first! Always read the books first….