Image Credit: Up-Free from Pixabay. There are more than a few reasons to play sports. You’ll be more physically active, get healthier, and can even make a few friends while you’re at it. That doesn’t mean you can start playing any sport without putting a bit of time and effort […]
How to Keep Yourself Motivated When Weight Training
Nowadays, more people of all genders and ages are weight training. While once reserved for bodybuilders, this form...
How To Know If You’re Wearing The Best Trainers For Your Workouts
We all know that exercise is a great way of improving our physical and mental health and keeping us on top of our game...
Inspired By A Summer Of Sport? 3 Pastimes You Can Take Up
Few things get people more excited than a major sporting occasion. In the USA, huge companies devote a significant...
5 Mental Health Benefits Of Sports
Everyone knows, at least to some extent, that playing sports or participating in some form of exercise has a wide range of benefits for our physical health. From weight loss to gaining strength and ensuring our hearts and other organs are kept in the best condition, playing sports is a […]
Read more ›Has The 2021 Six Nations Got Rugby Rumbled?
While this last weekend has seen the most significant rugby dissension for a far few years (yes, we are talking about THAT England-Wales match,) it’s fair to say that 2021’s Six Nations tournament on the whole has been something of a shambles. And, amidst the many arising controversies, fans are […]
Read more ›Solo Sports To Keep You Sane
Is the current situation wearing you down? If so, you’re not alone. Thankfully, though, there are dozens of solo activities out there that are both safe and can help keep you sane in these trying times. Check them out below. Running Pexels – CC0 License If you’re feeling a little […]
Read more ›Which Sports Are Best For Beating Stress?
If you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed everybody, including your doctor, will recommend that you do some exercise. Getting your heart rate up and burning off some energy helps to reduce stress hormones in your body and encourages it to release endorphins instead, which boost your mood and make you […]
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