Saving Stress When Running Your Business
Running a business is no walk in the park and will likely take up a massive chunk of your life both in the office and at your home. When you open up a business and start to nurture it, it feels almost like a child you need to take care of and this can result in you overworking yourself into the ground. To avoid stress and burnout in those crucial first months of business, you need to do the following.
- Think positive
When you are running a business either by yourself or with a small team it can be easy to focus on the things which go wrong and think about how you are going to fix them. This can lead to a lot of stress from your end which is not necessary at all. Remember when you are starting a business that it is a big task which is incredibly complex. You will take time to learn the skills you need for business but you have to focus on the positives. To reduce your stress you need to think about the things in your business which are going right, this will give you a sense of achievement which can carry you through. Here are some positive quotes to motivate your working week: p
- Prioritise
There are a lot of different aspects in running your business, and if you are a one man or one woman show you need to make sure that you prioritise your tasks throughout the working day. Remember that you only have one set of hands so you cannot juggle everything at once. Make sure you rank your tasks in order of urgency and get those done first. For example you would always want to put orders first, then customer complaints or questions, then you can look at the marketing side of things, and then mundand endings like your post through and your kitchen supplies. If you work in this way you will be much less stressed because urgent tasks are always done first.
- Clear your mind
It is incredibly important as a business owner that you know when to stop thinking of work and when to start relaxing and enjoying your home. At the end of the day you should set yourself a finishing time for between 5-6. Once this time is done you cannot do any more work until the next morning. Your work and home life balance is crucial for your stress levels and your health. Make time to enjoy your home life!
- Take enough breaks
Make sure when you set up your working hours that you take breaks into account throughout the day. It is important to do this because you have to refresh your mind ready for the next task. Taking a 10 minute break in the morning and afternoon as well as a lunch will give your brain chance to rest and refresh ready for the next task you need to complete. Doing this will allow you to come back and work in a more productive way.