Understanding Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is a difficult problem to define. What one person might consider “premature”, another person might consider perfectly normal. From the research done around the subject, it was found that 1.8 min (the lasting time of intercourse before climax) was regarded as the watermark of premature ejaculation, with “normal” men lasting around the 7 min mark. In one survey 2.5% of men reported that they could not last more than 50 seconds during intercourse. It is widely accepted that younger men encounter this problem early on in their sex lives and find that the problem resolves as they grow older and more experienced.
What are the causes?
Anxiety tied to the pressure to perform has long been regarded as a leading cause. This could be due to feelings of inadequacy or guilt. However, scientists have found that causes can be more than purely psychological. Researchers at the University of Utrecht published a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in which they found that up to a third of men suffered from premature ejaculation from their first sexual contact onwards, and that this trait was linked to a gene that causes serotonin to be less active in parts of the brain that controlled the process of ejaculation. Interestingly, this genetic trait is tied to faster reflexes in other parts of the body.
Erectile dysfunction can be the result of other medical problems in the body such as abnormal hormone levels, lack of serotonin concentration, thyroid problems, or inflammation or infection of the prostate or urethra. As far as non-medical causes are concerned, problems with premature ejaculation can be related to relationship or intimacy issues. There is also some evidence to suggest that premature ejaculation can be an inherited trait.
What are the solutions?
Although it is not generally recommended, some have tried to use a local anaesthetic product on the penis shaft in order to reduce sensation for themselves and delay climax. This can have the unwanted side-effects of reducing sensation inside of the partner’s body and even producing adverse skin reaction and sensitivity in both partners. Medical professionals generally discourage people from trying this method as the side-effects can be unpleasant.
In terms of the available therapies, the Masters–Johnson method helps men retrain their climactic process by reprogramming the body’s instincts to climax quickly. Antidepressant drugs are also sometimes used in treating premature ejaculation, however these are powerful medicines and should under no circumstances be used without prescription.
Prolong, is a system that has seen some success in clinical trials in Finland and is now readily available for purchase. It is thought that, six months after the treatment, men are likely to be improved or stable – so the effects are long lasting.
Some controversy was caused when in 2008 a nasal spray came onto the market that was based on an antidepressant and promised to relieve the problem of premature ejaculation by delivering drug treatment quickly into the bloodstream before intercourse. Nasal sprays are available but again only under doctor’s orders. Men suffering from this problem needn’t feel alone–it is thought that a third of men experience premature ejaculation and nowadays there are many therapies to help with the issue.
Source: – http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/dr-andy-zamar/sex-and-premature-ejaculation_b_4391754.html