When Is The Best Time To Move Your Office?
Being in a position to upgrade your office space as a business is a great position to be in. It means you are succeeding and you are maturing as a company, and that’s exactly what you want when you own your own business. Growth can prove a significant success, and yet many companies take time to realise when they’ve grown out of their office space and need to move on.
Growth in a business is the most common reason to move offices. You have to look at what your plans are for your business in the coming years and you need to consider how many people you will be possibly taking on as a result of the move. More space can mean a productive environment to work in with a bigger workforce. The key is to move efficiently and cheaply, whether you are upsizing or downsizing.(Companies like montrealmovers.com can do this job for you at cheaper cost). You need to consider that the current employees commute to your premises, and how the move will affect them. You also have to consider the costs of IT relocation help and whether your business can afford a new rent. While you are doing your research, you could find that your current building premises has office space that is exactly what you are looking for. Your rent and your moving costs will still be relevant, but you won’t spend as much because you aren’t going as far!
Don’t forget that size isn’t everything. If your current premises does not reflect the look that you want for your business, moving makes total sense. As a new business, you need to think about moving from the home office to a commercial space. A professional image is important for a company and if you are growing and succeeding as you thought, then you need to show the world that and give clients and customers somewhere to see you. Always detail the positives and negatives of a move before you commit to doing it – you need to know exactly what the reasons for the move are. If they are superficial, you need to make sure that you can commit to the move and not regret it!
Moving to a work-ready, serviced office space may be a larger expense, but it could be better for your business in the long-run. Make sure you sit down and have lengthy discussions with key staff before you commit to a move – you need to know who is going to be affected by your decision and whether you have to factor in the cost of hiring new staff to work for you. An office move to more impressive premises can happen at any time of the year, but make sure that your move doesn’t clash with important deadlines or major project. You should also be conscious of the time of year weather-wise, as you can really cause issues if you’re trying to move during a blizzard! There’s not much worse than losing your entire office furniture and equipment in a lorry in the snow.
Plan your move carefully, and you can reap the reward!